That’s right! We did it!
The fat lady has sung on the “Top Dance Blogs 2010″ competition, and guess what?
Tights and Tiaras won the grand prize, AND it’s category, dancer musings. We cleaned the table, so to speak. The Top Dance Blog of 2010 is nothing less than the page you are on, dear Reader! I am overwhelmed, and don’t really know what to say!
A big fat THANK YOU to all that voted – not only for T’n’T, but all the people that voted in the contest – it sure was a thriller, and I’m so grateful to be the winner of such a contest! I will post a summary of the great year that has been 2010 tomorrow, just wanted to throw this up to let you know! Yay, right?! Thank you all again!
Sincerely gratefully,