I’m currently on tour, and re-discovered something I thought I’d share with you; When on tour with a ballet-company, there is one thing you do more than anything else. No, it’s not dancing. And it’s not drinking beer either (although at least wherever I have been, these two are also major parts of your on-tour-existence). No, the thing you do by far the most of when on tour, is waiting.


Waiting.. and waiting… and..

If it’s for the bus, for the food, for the check-in or for the rehearsal, touring involves a lot of waiting. Since you are away from home, you don’t usually know what to do with yourself either, it’s not like you can pop out to your favorite cafe if you suddenly showed up two hours early for class. So mostly, you’re just sitting there. Waiting…

A great way to make time pass in situations like this, is to bring a book. When on tour, I have either my computer or a book in my bag at all times. And you’d be surprised how many times it helped me out. Another thing that I always bring with me is ear-plugs, to isolate myself from the surroundings a bit. An airport, a hotel-lobby or a theatre hall is usually not the calmest places.

What do you do to make time pass in situations like these? I would be more than happy for some tips in the comments-section!

The first post I wrote for Tights and Tiaras also involved making time pass. That one was about those days when you come home home early, physically exhausted, but mentally hyperactive… But what about when it is opposite? Guys, help me out here, I’m just bored shitless…

Tune back to Tights and Tiaras soon for an interview with Matthew Golding, principle at the Dutch National Ballet. Until then Ta-ta

