We accept products for review here on Tights and Tiaras, as described in the following terms

You will provide a product sample for the post editor to keep, on which he or she will base the review. Reviews will be published on Tights and Tiaras and/or in other publications under the Tights and Tiaras name, such as Twitter, Facebook, other blogs etc, as agreed, and as the publishing schedule allows.

The editor has final say on all editorial content.

There is no fee to have your product reviewed.
If a product is found satisfactory, and something we feel our readers will have use of, we are open to discuss further promotion of the product against a reasonable fee.

Tights and Tiaras cherish their readers. We will not promote a product that we do not believe provides our readers with something they would want. Please do not request a review if you are not prepared for honesty regarding your product or service.

We reserve the right to decline to review a product that is not found sufficient. No product samples will be returned, even if review is declined.

If accepted, we can make no guarantee that a review of your product will be published. However, we will try our utterly best.

If you wish to have your product reviewed, please contact Tights and Tiaras’ owner and publisher, Henrik Lamark, to arrange for the sending of your product. Please use “Product Review – your company/products name” as subject for easy recognition.

If your product is well received, it is likely that Tights and Tiaras would like to explore opportunities for further cooperation, such as advertising or reader-incentives.
