Cause we are living in a material world…
Except for hard physical work, long hours and sore muscles, there is one more severe issue that makes life as a ballet dancer everything but a dance on roses; Salary.
I have still to find a company that pays their dancers as they deserve. Of course, one can not blame the companies. I’m sure they would love to give the whole corps a raise, but the wheels have to turn as well. And the ballet audience most definitely could be bigger.
Nevertheless, it makes our life harder. I once had the joy of counting change to buy muesli my girlfriend and I would live from for six days until salary. Working 6 hours with your body every day, muesli just comes in a little short for settling your nutritious needs.
There are differences, though. Many (lately myself included) are paid, if not according to how many years they spent educating themselves, at least a decent amount you can live of. I’m not going to go into this in detail, but there is one phenomenon I wish to comment, something I feel strongly about, basically, because of the severity in it: exploiting young dancers.
I have seen it many times. A company, or a producer advertises with great opportunities for young dancers to be in ballets. They have impressing pictures, big tour schedules or good roles for bate. Only later it turns out: It’s unpaid. The dancer will see nothing (that’s $0, nada) of the incomes of the shows. No health insurance, no pay-checks. Its horrible.
I understand, and appreciate, the opportunity for experience these shows may be for the dancers involved. I also know many people pay to take classes and perform. But we are talking about dancers that have ballet as their profession. We are talking about producers exploiting the will to dance in young, inexperienced dancers to make extra money. It sickens me!
Of course, I realize it is a complicated matter, and that making extra cash may not be motivation for all people using unpaid dancers. But the fact they do also weakens the position of dancers in the job market. Why would I hire a professional dancer, when there is someone willing to do the same job for free? It is not without reason most dancer unions strongly advices their members not to do unpaid work.
Just had to get that off my chest. Do you have any comments on the matter? I would love a constructive discussion on this topic! Although I might be harsh, I’m open for others opinions, and may as well review my own! Try me!
Post a comment under, or use the discussion-forum on Tights and Tiaras on Facebook.
Until next time