Tools of the trade: Ballet #7 – Second skin, band-aid’s
If you read my post on pointe-shoes earlier, you know that they are doing mean things to the feet of those wearing them. They push and rub and do whatever they can to make blisters, cuts and wounds.
Leukoplast, or bandage tape if you want
Therefore, the basic element of the content of any ballerina’s (and some male dancers as well) bag is band-aids, patch-tape (or in my part of the world only called Leukoplast, after the most famous brand), and a fantastic invention called second-skin (or at least we call it that. I’m sure it has an official name, but I’ve only heard second-skin, or someone calls them compeeds, again after a famous brand). The idea is a material you put on top of a wound or a blister, that acts like it was skin, increasing the healing process, and protecting the wound from new attacks from the pointe-shoe or the floor or whatever is causing your pain.
Male dancers also has issues with blisters on their feet, although I have to admit the girls definitely pulled the shorter straw on this one (as well?!..), all thanks to the pointe shoe.
Just to illustrate: At the moment, we’re dancing in socks a lot because of the U2-performance I’ve been talking about lot lately, and for some reason my feet are not cool with that. I have no skin whatsoever left under both my biggest toes. Which is causing me much pain.
My girlfriend on the other hand, had to dance 3 Giselle’s (a big-old classical ballet) last week. That is about 9 hours on her toes, without the rehearsal-time. After about half-an-hour, her feet were bleeding several places. But she still had to stand on that for another 7 hours and a half. Her shoes were red inside. And that’s an everyday-thing for these girls. I’m telling you – they’re tough
Read more about the equipment frequently used by dancers on the Tools of the trade: Ballet – column
Until then