Picture #1 – the hopefuls
I’m hoping to regularly post pictures from my life. I say “hope” (another word of the year 2009 by the way) because I’m not much of a photographer. I rarely have a camera at hand, and if I do, I always make such a deal out of taking the picture that they all look like whoever’s on it is attending a family dinner or something.
Anyway, I’ll try. So here goes, Picture #1
Let us call it “The hopeful’s”. The girls by the barre (the wooden bar by the mirrors. Don’t know what it is? Find out here!) are young girls from the ballet school connected to our company. They are doing a short dance in one of our performances, so they get to be at our rehearsals, which I’m sure for them is a big deal.
But, oh, so naive.. They probably want to be ballerinas when they grow up. Although I wouldn’t dream about killing their illusion, really all they have to do is turn their heads to the left, and see the woman sitting on the floor – old body and broken dreams. ‘cus girls – this is what you’re getting yourselves into: A short and painful career. For most of you …eh -us, it will never include standing ovations or fat contracts at famous theaters. The truth is, most dancers ends up just where this woman’s at: date expired, in a mediocre theatre somewhere, trying to squeeze the last steps out from stiff legs that would have rather been doing something else for a long time.
What do dancers do when the body says stop? Read my post “is there life after 35?”
Oh yeah, and for all you child-molesting perverted people who noticed the not-so-flattering pose of one of the 12-year olds: Be ashamed of yourself just for noticing that! I was…
See you soon! Ta-ta