PdT: What’s your dream role?
Pas de Trois (at dancing3.com) is a site by three bloggers, inviting all who are interested in dance discuss dance related topics! If you don’t know it already, have a look!
This week, the question is: What is your dream role.
And I’m supposed to answer that… Wow, these PdT-questions are harder then I thought they’d be..
For classical ballet, my dream role is probably Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet. I love dancing “alpha-male” roles, and Tybalt is just pumping with testosterone Other than that, I’d love to do a more challenging role acting-wise, like maybe Albrecht from Giselle, or Onegin.
For more contemporary pieces, I really just would love to perform more of the “classical” repertoire. Kylian has a couple of really great pieces, six dances is definitely on my list of roles I’d like to do before I retire. I love the style of Nacho Duato as well, and sure wouldn’t mind performing in one of his productions. And I’d love to work with my new boss, Edward Clug, at some point. But lets see what time brings, shall we?
If you are a dancer, what is your dream role? Or if you’re not, do you have a role you’d do if you could? Any experiences connected to acting, creating a role or other things you’d like to share? Do it in the comments, or at dancing3.com!